Monday, January 13, 2014

Recipe time.

the making of the perfect handcream...

perfect handcream recipe.

1 cast iron skillet, rinsed of mouse poop with tea tree to kill germs
1 big happy dollop of lard from the amish
3 eggs from happy hens out back, freshly gathered

wash hands with homemade handsoap - castille soap, apple cider vinegar and water, plus your favorite essential oil.

with fresh clean hands, scoop dollop of lard into pan

rub hands together

enjoy the fantastic ability of lard to form a moisture barrier between your skin and the atmosphere.

turn skillet on medium low

when a flick of water on skillet surface brings sizzlin'
throw in eggs *gently*

wait five mins or so, til eggs lift easily, happily, all together now with metal spatula.
add salt and local organic honey.

say prayer of thanks.

belly: happy.
hands: moisturized.
soul: satisfied.

lard is the best moisturizer!

perfectly processed apples.

1 bushel organic apples, donated generously to ky earthship group by green bean delivery
1 dollop local honey
1 Tblsp organic cinnamon
1 gallon local creek water

cut apples into nickel sized pieces, removing the inedibles (!)
place in small crockpot.
cover with water
turn on low.

go to sleep.
get up with the sun. let the chickens out. do your yoga stretches in the field.
cuddle the cats. smell the apples. smells good, don't it?
add honey and cinnamon to pot. eat apples for breakfast, on front porch rocker, in the sun. smile.

life is good.

Sarah's Super Yuck-Feeling Buster
i always turn to this recipe when i feel a creepin warm heavy feeling in my chest or a pain in my throat... cold be gone!

1 quart mason jar fresh local creek water
1" piece ginger, sliced thin as you can
1 or 2 cloves garlic, minced or sliced, as you prefer
3 pinches dried lemon rind
3 pinches dried orange rind
4 cloves
1 Tblsp raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. live, with the 'mother' intact.
1 Tblsp (a daily ration) chia seeds

boil ginger and garlic for 15 mins or so.
add lemon, orange and cloves
let steep 5 minutes
pour in mason jar.
if you are impatient, add cold clear creek water. if not, wait til its cool enough to drink, then add vinegar and chia seeds.

drink super warm.
sip on this all day when feeling yucky. it will make you better lickety split.

also great as a health booster. 1 cup a day.


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