this weekend was PHENOMENAL.
it always is the freshest of refreshing to breathe that crisp clean country air, come home with clothes smelling decadently of smoky roasted wood, and work your freaking ass off - proving to yourself that you are capable of anything you put your mind to, with the aid of friends.
WE FINISHED capping the domes with plastic, shutting out the star-smattered sky, sunday night.
we worked in layers (except for Mike, who wore next to nothing! Indiana Jones...) and breathed through scarves. we worked around the icy mud i was in disbelief of (its not cold! its not cold! its not cold!).
we watched the watery orange shape of a drooping half-moon rise quickly over the treeline, patterned by treefingers. she illuminated wafting clouds who appeared the fastest-moving of all we could see, yet indeed were the slowest!
we could feel the earth turn, the moon, whooshing, the stars whizzing by and all was instantaneous.
we ate together warm wholesome good food, donated from the severe goodness of the hearts of many.
we sang at the top of our lungs, played til our fingers hummed, danced from the depths of our souls, and saluted eachother by the warmth of a fire.
WE CHANTED 'Om' in unison, made harmonies echoing deep in the ship.
we slept sound as children, illuminated by the moon, in 13 degrees, warm as kittens in our 0° sleeping bags in a tent on the mud floor of the ship. she rocked us to sleep and the singing white sails were so comforting - we were drifting away into the universe.
i stood in her belly, silence in the cold stillness, save for the flap flap flap of her white sails in the breeze. i stood there alone and heard distinct the deep drum of her heart beat. the Mother EarthShip is alive.
(thank you very much)